What Matters: What About Free Speech?


Contemplating censorship over the course of Banned Books Week is also an opportunity to think about the Right to Free Speech--a right enshrined in the US Constitution by the First Amendment. We've also, all of us, walked past the encampment outside College Hall, which is a physical and communal expression of the right to peaceful protest.


But what are these rights, and how do they work? In a world that feels increasingly partisan and divided, who determines (or should determine) what speech is free and what is not? Is there a point at which Free Speech becomes Hate Speech? What about protest--what happens when peaceful becomes, well, less so?


If you'd like to ponder these questions, or just feel like a brief study break for contemplation and a sweet treat, join Cam in the Living Room to talk about What Matters.


If you're so inclined, you can also check out a podcast that Cam did a couple of years ago with Bee Reed (storyteller, activist, member of the LGBTQ community) about our First Amendment Rights and her participation in protests here in the city of Philadelphia.




Sunday September 25th, 2022 10:00 PM to 10:30 PM


Living Room