Each on-campus student has an individual 6-digit number that they will be able to use for mailing throughout their entire time living on campus. If you change rooms or College Houses, the 6-digit number will not change. You can look up your 6-digit number via Campus Express, in the Housing & Mail Services section on the Mail & Shipping page.
To receive mail or parcels at your College House or Sansom Place address, please be sure to use the proper mailing address in the format provided below. The U.S. Postal Service recommends this format as it is most easily read by their sorting machines and residential staff who handle mail and packages on campus. Please note that these are mailing addresses only. Residents can view their on-campus living address by logging into Campus Express and choosing the "My Housing" tab.
Your Name
3333 WALNUT ST, RM 6-digit NUMBER
Person Doe
3333 WALNUT ST, RM #123456
Packages delivered to Lauder College House residents by UPS, FedEx, USPS, DHL, and other couriers are accepted, processed and stored in the package room at Hill College House. Hill is located next to Lauder College House at the corner of 34th and Walnut Streets. The package room is in the Hill Mailroom, in the rear of the Atrium level. Residents receive email notification when they have a package to pick up. Residents need to show their PennCards to receive their packages. Packages should be labeled with the Lauder College House address.
The correct address format for Lauder College House is listed above.
Academic Year Package Room Hours
Monday through Friday: 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Saturday: 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM; 1:20 PM - 4:00 PM*
* Package rooms close from 1 pm - 1:20 pm on weekends.
These hours may change during break periods.
Please pick up packages promptly. Packages not picked up within 5 business days will be returned to sender. During Move-In ONLY, packages are held for 2 weeks.